Put My Experience To Work For You
Speak with a Mississippi Criminal Defense Attorney

Solo Practitioner
Joe M. Hollomon
Criminal Defense Attorney
I am dedicated to providing an aggressive, cutting-edge defense to your criminal case. With my 42 years of practice I have tried hundreds of cases and have been on both sides of the courtroom. First as a state and later as a federal prosecutor, and for the past 28 years as a defense attorney. I know from my own experience what can make a difference with a prosecutor as a case proceeds through the system. And because of this, I believe in a proactive approach, which has enabled me to successfully avoid the indictment of a client, or to have a serious charge reduced to a lesser offense based on evidence, which I have been able to develop. Over the years I have also built a relationship with many of the top forensic experts from all over the country, as well as investigators, accountants, polygraphers, accident reconstructionists, and former state and federal law enforcement officers, whom I can call on to assist me in defense of your case. This is an invaluable network of contacts based on professional respect and built on many years of courtroom experience. Let me put my experience and contacts to work on your case.
Knowledge & Experience
Mississippi, 1980
U.S. District Court Northern District of Mississippi, 1980
U.S. District Court Southern District of Mississippi, 1986
U.S. Court of Appeals 5th Circuit, 1986
U.S. Court of Federal Claims, 1995
University of Mississippi School of Law, Oxford, Mississippi, J.D. – 1980
St. Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri, B.A., Major: Government and Political Science
U.S. v Day, 806 F.2d 1240, 5th Circuit
U.S. v Paden, 908 F.2d 1229, 5th Circuit
U.S. v Zapata, 911 F.2d 1229, 5th Circuit
U.S. v Follin, 979 F.2d 369, 5th Circuit
U.S. v Bradfield, 113 F.3d 515, 5th Circuit
U.S. v Harrell, 983 F.2d 36, 5th Circuit
U.S. v Fortenberry, 914 F.2d 671, 5th Circuit
Hinds and Madison County Bar Associations, Member
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Member
Mississippi Association of Justice, Member
District Attorney, 10th Circuit Court District, Assistant District Attorney, 1980 to 1986
Department of Justice, Assistant U.S. Attorney, 1986 to 1994
Office of Independent Counsel, Associate Independent Counsel, 1996 to 1998
Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity

Joe M. Hollomon, Assistant U.S. Attorney 1986-1994
James O. Eastland Courthouse, Jackson, MS
Joe M. Hollomon, is a skilled trial attorney with more than 40 years of experience handling criminal law cases

Joe M. Hollomon
District Attorney, 10th Circuit Court District, Assistant District Attorney, 1980 to 1986 Lauderdale County Bar Association, 1981
Joe M. Hollomon, is a seasoned criminal defense attorney with a strong record of results. His credentials are tough to match.

Joe M. Hollomon
Courtroom Sketch, Federal Court, Gulfport, MS
Sketched during a federal court trial on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in the early 90’s.

WorldCom Defense Team
Southern District of New York
Joe M. Hollomon, is a skilled trial attorney with more than 40 years of experience handling criminal law cases, including the WorldCom defense team.

WorldCom Defense Team
Southern District of New York
Joe M. Hollomon, is a skilled trial attorney with more than 40 years of experience handling criminal law cases, including the WorldCom defense team.

WorldCom Defense Team
Southern District of New York
Joe M. Hollomon, is a skilled trial attorney with more than 40 years of experience handling criminal law cases, including the WorldCom defense team.
Legal Practice Areas

Federal Criminal Defense
- All federal drug crimes
- White collar crimes
- mail fraud/wire fraud
- conspiracy
- healthcare fraud
- money-laundering
- bribery
- Violent crimes
- Sex crimes
- Firearms offenses

Federal Drug Charges
- Possession and possession with intent to distribute and manufacturing
- Prescription drug crimes including diversion
- Drug distribution and trafficking
- RICO and continuing criminal enterprise
- Defense of seizures and forfeitures under CAFRA (Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act)

Federal Firearms Violations
- Possession of a firearm or ammunition by a felon
- Possession of a stolen firearm
- Possession of an illegal firearm or destructive device
- False statement or representation in connection with acquiring or possessing a firearm
- Using or carrying a firearm in relation to any crime of violence or drug trafficking crime

State Felony Charges
- violent crimes
- sex crimes
- drug distribution and trafficking
- aggravated assault
- robbery
- burglary
- other felony offenses

State misdemeanor charges
- drug possession
- simple assault
- shoplifting charges

White Collar Crimes
- fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, health care fraud
- embezzlement
- bribery
- interstate crimes
- RICO charges
- conspiracy charges
- grand jury matters